Who Should Attend ?

Vendors, Suppliers, Distributors or other organization who are doing businesses in supply and provide high-quality products and services such as machinery, electrical / electronic equipment, rotating machines, industrial control systems, instruments, valves and other important assets of production facilities.

Project Sales – Project Marketer – Business 

Development – Account Sales – Product Sales


Beginner or Inexperienced of Project Sales/Marketing Executive face high probability of failure, especially at an early career stage

Pelatihan dan diskusi akan difasilitasi oleh :

Dr.Ir. Ichsan Gaffar, MM, CPM (Asia) practitioner, training facilitator and researcher. Praktisi dan  Fasilitator pelatihan yang berpengalaman 37 tahun di Business Development, Marketing, CUstomer Service, Production Operation, Project Management dan HR


Join us for 2 days discussion

We will provide them the case is adapted from a real-life experience, serve and support their analyses regarding strategy, marketing, and including sales activities to EPC.